WATCH: New Common Core Video Series Shows How Kids Today Learn Math a Better Way
By The 74 Staff
Long before Donald Trump declared Common Core a disaster or comedian Louis C.K. took to Twitter to complain about his child’s Common Core-aligned math homework, parents were asking questions: Why don’t these math lessons look like what I learned 20 years ago? What’s wrong with simply memorizing multiplication? What’s the point of a number line anyway?
It’s true, that schools are now teaching math a new way, and many educators believe it’s a better way — built around deeper understandings of numbers and processes, less tethered to rote memorization. That said, it’s a new approach that not every parent has seen, and not every family understands. So we’re doing our part to simplify and shine a spotlight on the new Common Core approach. Below, watch our new six-part series that aims to explain how Common Core math works, why it was developed the way it was developed, and how it instills in young learners a deeper understanding and appreciation for the way numbers work.
Looking to help your kids with their homework? Then watch — Math 2.0, Common Core Explained: Why Kids Today Learn Math a Better Way. (Edited and Produced by Anne Lagamayo, Additional Editing by Heather Martino, Animated by Mike Cheslik, Narrated by Mark Keierleber)
Part 1 — How We Imagine Numbers
Part 2 — Splitting the Bill, Common Core Style
Part 3 — A New Way to Multiply
Part 4 — The Man Who Reinvented Math
Part 5 — A Teacher’s Perspective
Part 6 — New Math, New Test
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